*Some names have been changed to protect the innocent, guilty, underaged, or oblivious. And sometimes we change names just to make it more funny*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Awesome in Progress

'Ello Guv'nah!.

You've either stumbled upon this website...

By Accident. (Sorry)

Because you read it on our business card, in which case was probably still by accident. (Sorryer)

Or, by some miracle, you really really wanted to know what we're all about.

Whatever the case may be, Thank you.

Obviously, at the time of this entry (the first one), there is nothing much to read about, but I can promise you with high hopes, that if you're patient, we won't disappoint.

We're nobody. Just 2 average (but not completely sane) girls who left our regular jobs behind (partially by choice) and spent several years searching for something that felt awesome enough to pour our time and energy into. Well, that and the thrill of daytime drinking can last longer than you'd think, and you can only see so many Lifetime movies before you're mouthing lines along with Tori Spelling...but they still hold your attention. But anyway, writing is truly our passion, and I guess it just took this long to convince ourselves that we just may be interesting enough for others to spend their time on.

Stay Tuned....

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